In the News

Dimitrios was recently featured in a blog by Fine Woodworking, called Carving Class with The Master, Dimitrios Klitsas. His student, Bill Pavlak, writes about how Dimitrios guided him to produce a carving that gave new life to his best work. "His eyes, with more than 50 years of experience, saw what mine could not... Most importantly, I could now sense the difference between what I had considered good work and what my best work could be. This is one of the biggest lessons to learn in craft and it’s mostly likely to come with the help of a teacher."




Check out this article on Dimitrios' wood carving school on Making History: Inspiration for the Modern Revolutionary. Pictured left, apprentice joiner Amanda Doggett during her study trip to Klitsas Fine Wood Carving in Hampden Massachusetts, "One olive at a time." 





Click here to see Dimitrios Klitsas featured in the television series "Making It Here" from WGBY, public television for Western New England.

Click here for an article "BRINGING LIFE TO ARCHITECTURE THROUGH THE CLASSICAL ART OF HAND CARVED ORNAMENT", published in Clem Labine's Period Homes Magazine Winter 2001.


As seen in Architectural Digest, December, 1991.